The People's Convoy: State-by-State Telegram Group Links

WePatriot is providing free information to help you find The People’s Convoy official planning groups in all 50 US states.

For NATIONAL-level information, please visit The People’s Convoy main page.

15 Feb 2022: The state Telegram groups have been deactivated by The People’s Convoy. Visit our State-by-state information page to learn about the convoy in each state.

Want to get an email when there’s news related to The People’s Convoy in your state/area, including route information (dates/times/locations)? Fill out our convoy support form. is NOT affiliated with The People’s Convoy. We are providing free information and tools to help people communicate regarding The People’s Convoy and other freedom convoys worldwide. We support only peaceful demonstrations. No content on this page should be interpreted as support for violence or illegal behavior. Links are not necessarily endorsements.