UNDER OUR SKIN, a compelling story about germs, medicine, and money, reveals the untold tale of Lyme disease, one of the most dangerous and contagious diseases of our day.

Thousands of people receive incorrect or incomplete diagnoses every year, frequently being told that their symptoms are all mental.

The video presents a disturbing image of the healthcare system and a medical industry that is all too ready to prioritize profits over patient care through the stories of patients and doctors fighting for their lives and livelihoods.

This Oscar-nominated film, a gripping story about germs, money, and medicine, has altered the way people view Lyme disease and raised previously unheard-of levels of awareness in an interesting and approachable manner.

UNDER OUR SKIN, the authoritative account of the Lyme debate, reveals a covert tale of negligence and malpractice in the medical and scientific fields.

The movie is still relevant and urgent today, as official case counts soar while hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide receive incorrect or no diagnosis at all.

Website: underourskin.com

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