The People’s Convoy: Beltway DC Information

The People’s Convoy plans to drive around the DC Beltway on March 6, 2022. Here is some information about the Capital Beltway and the convoy that is going around it.

About the DC Beltway

The DC Beltway, or Capital Beltway, is a 64-mile-long interstate highway (I-495) in the metropolitan area of Washington, DC. It surrounds DC and goes through parts of northern Virginia and Maryland.

As the Beltway runs north/south on the eastern side, it runs together with I-95.

Why is the Beltway Convoy Happening in 2022?

The 2022 “DC Convoy” is made up of The People’s Convoy, plus potentially other organized convoys, as of March 6, 2022.

The caravan is a rolling peaceful protest against government mandates related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Convoy Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Learn More About the People's Convoy

Here are some more information links regarding The People’s Convoy and other freedom convoys.

Show Your Convoy Support!

It’s easy and anonymous! Just add a map marker below. You can leave a simple message and even upload a photo if you like. Show the world that people everywhere support the convoy’s message of peace and freedom!



  1. Some people in the convoy can go route 66, K street, 395, 695 past White House Communications, back on 495 Some construction, I’ve been on to get more details to see how smooth the side trip can be. They’ve been waiting for you.👍👍👍👍👍🚚🚚🚚🚚🚚🚚🚚🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

  2. we joined the Convoy in western Ohio to show that we support it and stand with each of you to save our County and give back the FREEDOM the Government has took away. God bless you all.

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